Have you ever just wished
that you could pour our your soul?
Empty it
and bury it under a riverbed
or let it fly off to the stars?
Let every inch of you
Every ounce of truth
and life
be released?
To forget your troubles,
Stop reliving the memories of your life;
What a wish.
A hollow beigng
to simply be,
and not worry.
Not be affected
As every other life around you is
by feelings
But to just exist.
Not to experience
Pain, fear, heartbreak,
love, friendship,
joy, ecstasy, life.
Rid yourself of every emotion.
Who needs emotion?
Why live day to day
In uncertainty?
Will I love?
Why bother.
I dont need you,
or me.
I just need to be.
And when I am caught,
Trapped in the void of my life,
Where shall I go?
Shall I call on you?
You, who I pushed away,
and hurt.
I didnt feel it.
I feel nothing.
But now
caged in all the emotion,
I gave up.
Who needs to escape?
Ill just be.