Happy Movie: Muppet Treasure Island, PotC,
Finding Nemo, Narnia
Sad Movie: Glory, LotR, Deep Impact
Happy Song: I'm Still Here, Where Are You Going,
When I Look to the Sky
Teary (not necessarily sad) Song: Butterfly Kisses, I Could Not
Ask for More
Book: Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Trilogy, anything by Madeline L'Engle,
Inheritance Trilogy
T.V. Show: Boy Meets World, Gilmore Girls, The
(discontinued) Mole
Actor: Will Friedle, Elijah Wood, Rider Strong,
Sean Astin
Actress: Julia Stiles, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock
Food: Spaghetti, Chinese (Double Dragon), Ramen
Noodles, Chocolate Ice Cream
Drink: Water
Game: Clue, Pass the Pigs
Card Game: Rummy, Egyptian Ratscrew, Spoons, 10's
and 2's, B.S., Texas Hold'Em
#: 6
Color: Orange
Time of day: afternoon
Day of the week: Saturday
Month: September