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It's meeeee!!!

Name?  Jenna

Nicknames?  My Sroka, My, My-S, Jen, Jen-jen, Jeanna, Twin #2, Phenna, Phenny, Phen, Alfred the Second, Stroka, Schlab, Sparky

Birthday?  September 6

Siblings?  1

Sibling's name?  Ashley

Job?  tour guide

Location of job? OWU

Car? my dad's former gold '93 ford tempo (part-owned by my sis now)

Dream car?  A beetle or a Ford Focus

Plan on having children?  yes

Plan on getting married?  yes

Ideal boy names?  Nathan Joshua, Scott Christopher, or Daniel Joseph

Ideal girl names?  Monica Elizabeth, Riley Anne, or Alexis Marie

College option?  Ohio Wesleyan University

Major?  Microbiology and Genetics


Happy Movie:  Muppet Treasure Island, PotC, Finding Nemo, Narnia
Sad Movie:  Glory, LotR, Deep Impact
Happy Song:  I'm Still Here, Where Are You Going, When I Look to the Sky
Teary (not necessarily sad) Song:  Butterfly Kisses, I Could Not Ask for More
Book:  Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Trilogy, anything by Madeline L'Engle, Inheritance Trilogy
T.V. Show:  Boy Meets World, Gilmore Girls, The (discontinued) Mole
Actor:  Will Friedle, Elijah Wood, Rider Strong, Sean Astin
Actress:  Julia Stiles, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock
Food:  Spaghetti, Chinese (Double Dragon), Ramen Noodles, Chocolate Ice Cream
Drink:  Water
Game:  Clue, Pass the Pigs
Card Game:  Rummy, Egyptian Ratscrew, Spoons, 10's and 2's, B.S., Texas Hold'Em
#:  6
Color:  Orange
Time of day:  afternoon
Day of the week:  Saturday
Month:  September


Hidden Page Count: 3